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    A, a
    / eI; e/ n (pl A's, a's / eIz; ez/) 1 the first letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第一个字母: `Ann' begins with (an) A/`A'. Ann一字以A字母开始. 2 (music 音) the sixth note in the scale of C major C大调音阶中的第六音或音符. 3 academic mark indicating the highest standard of work 学业成绩达最高标准的评价符号: get (an) A/`A' in biology 生物(学科)得A. 4 (used to designate a range of standard paper sizes 用以标明一系列标准纸张的规格): [attrib 作定语] an A4 folder A4纸张大小的文件夹 即297 x 210 mm. 5 (idm 习语) A1 / 7eI 5wQn; `e`wQn/(infml 口) excellent; first rate 极好的; 头等的; 第一流的: an 7A1 5dinner 一顿美餐 * I'm feeling A1, ie very well. 我身体好极了. from A to B from one place to another 从一处到另一处: I don't care what a car looks like as long as it gets me from A to B. 我倒不在乎汽车的样子, 只要能把我从一处载到另一处就行了. from A to Z from beginning to end; thoroughly 从头到尾; 彻底地: know a subject from A to Z 精通一科目.
    / 7eI EU5keI; 9e o`ke/ adj [usu pred 通常作表语] (US infml 口) emphatically OK 极佳; 顶呱呱. Cf 参看 okay.
    / 5eI rEUd; `e 9rod/ n (Brit) major road, less important than a motorway but usu wider and straighter than a B-road A级公路(重要性次於高速公路的主干公路, 但通常比B级公路宽且直): There's a good A-road going North -- the A1. 有一条良好的A级公路通往北方--A级1号公路.
    n (music recorded on the) first or main side of a single-play gramophone record (单曲唱片的)A面, 正面(上的乐曲).
    D, d
    / di:; di/ n (pl D's, d's / di:z; diz/) 1 the fourth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第四个字母: `David' begins and ends with a `D'/D. David一字的开头和结尾都是D. 2 D (music 音) the second note in the scale of C major C大调音阶中的第二音或音符. 3 D academic mark indicating a low standard of work 学业成绩为低等的评价符号.
    abbr 缩写 = (US politics 政) Democrat; Democratic. Cf 参看 R 3.
    D (also d)
    symb 符号 Roman numeral for 500 罗马数字的500. Cf 参看 D-day.
    abbr 缩写 = 1 (in former British currency 英国旧币) penny; pennies or pence (Latin denarius; denarii) 便士(源自拉丁文denarius; denarii): a 2d stamp 一张2便士的邮票 * 6d each 每个6便士. Cf 参看 p 2. 2 died: Emily Jane Clifton d 1865 埃米莉·简·克利夫顿, 1865年卒. Cf 参看 b.
    => -ed.
    Litt D
    / 9lIt 5di:; 9lIt `di/ abbr 缩写 = D Litt.
    LL B, LL D, LL M
    abbrs 缩写 = Bachelor, Doctor, Master of Laws 法学学士、 博士、 硕士: have/be an LL B 有法学学士学位[为法学学士] * David Grafton LL B 戴维·格拉夫顿法学学士.
    R and D
    / 9B:r En 5di:; 9Br En `di/ abbr 缩写 = (commerce 商) research and development 研究与开发.
    charge d'affaires
    / 9FB:VeI dA5feE(r); FBr`Ve dA`fZr/ n (pl charges d'affaires / 9FB:VeI d5feE(r); FBr`Ve dA`fZr/) 1 diplomat who takes the place of an ambassador or a minister when the ambassador or minister is absent 代理大使(大使或公使不在时代替大使或公使的外交官). 2 diplomat below the rank of ambassador or minister who heads a diplomatic mission in a minor country 代办(低於大使或公使的外交官, 率领出使小国的使团).
    objet d'art
    / 9CbVeI 5dB:; 9Rb9Ve`dBr/ n (pl objets d'art / 9CbVeI 5dB:; 9Rb9Ve`dBr/) (French 法) small decorative or artistic object 小饰物; 小艺术品: a house full of antique furniture and objets d'art 摆满古老家具和小艺术品的房子.
    raison d'etre




