• Honore de Balzac的小说

A Woman of Thirty已完成

  • 更新时间:2011-08-03 08:53:40
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  • 作品简介: EARLY MISTAKES It was a Sunday morning in the beginning of April 1813, a morning which gave promise of one of those bright days when Parisians, for the first time in the year, behold dry pavements underfoot and a cloudless sky overhead. It wa

A Start in Life已完成

  • 更新时间:2011-07-31 11:08:49
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  • 作品简介: Railroads, in a future not far distant, must force certain industries to disappear forever, and modify several others, more especially those relating to the different modes of transportation in use around Paris. Therefore the persons

A Second Home已完成

  • 更新时间:2011-07-28 08:30:10
  • 大小:3.84 MB
  • 作品简介: The Rue du Tourniquet-Saint-Jean, formerly one of the darkest and most tortuous of the streets about the Hotel de Ville, zigzagged round the little gardens of the Paris Prefecture, and ended at the Rue Martroi, exactly at the angle of an old wall

Father Goriot已完成

  • 更新时间:2011-07-27 09:01:33
  • 大小:3.84 MB
  • 作品简介: Father Goriot by Honore de Balzac Translated by Ellen Marriage To the great and illustrious Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, a token of admiration for his works and genius. DE BALZAC. Mme. Vauquer (nee de Conflans) is an elderly person, wh

A Prince of Bohemia已完成

  • 更新时间:2011-07-24 09:02:34
  • 大小:3.84 MB
  • 作品简介: I inscribe this to you, my dear Heine, to you that represent in Paris the ideas and poetry of Germany, in Germany the lively and witty criticism of France; for you better than any other will know whatsoever this Study may contain of criticism and

Eugenie Grandet已完成

  • 更新时间:2011-07-20 08:54:27
  • 大小:3.84 MB
  • 作品简介: DEDICATION To Maria. May your name, that of one whose portrait is the noblest ornament of this work, lie on its opening pages like a branch of sacred box, taken from an unknown tree, but sanctified by religion, and kept ever f

Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau已完成

  • 更新时间:2017-01-19 14:15:38
  • 大小:3.84 MB
  • 作品简介: 在冬季夜晚噪声从未停止过在圣街,除非很短的间隔安娜。厨房园丁携带自己的产品推向市场继续搅拌,从剧院和球车返回。附近这一巴黎的哗然,其中大约发生在凌晨宏伟交响乐持续暂停中旬,大人塞萨尔Birotteau,旺多姆广场附近设立了一个香水的妻子,是她的睡眠也从一个可怕的梦。她看到她的一倍。她似乎对自己的衣衫褴褛衣服,用干瘪,干枯的手转动锁定了自己的店铺门口,好像在门槛,在她的柜台后面的椅子坐在同一时机仍未成熟。她问她自己施舍,并听取了她来说,从门口,从她的座位也出席了桌子。 她试图抓住她
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